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Now downloading free:B&K 1471 Instruction Manual

B&K 1471 Instruction Manual free download

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!471 10 MHz,TRIGGERED SWEEP Dual-T aceOscIIosco r I p v \ v A Productof DYNASCAN 1801West Belle Plaine. Chicago, CORP0RATI0N lllinois 60613 PRTCE $2.00 l v INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR B & K.PRECISION MODELL47T b TRIGGERED 10 MHz, SWEEP DUAL.TRACE OSCILLOSCOPE DIVISION DYNASCAN OF CORPORATION | 801 W. Belle PloineAvenue C h i c o g o ,l l l i n o i s 6 0 6 I 3 v TABLE OF CONTENTS \t Page INTRODUCTION FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS OPERATOR'S CONTROLS, INDICATORS AND FACILITIES OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Initial Starting Procedure 9 Single-Trace WaveformObservation 9 CalibratedVoltage Measurement 10 CalibratedTime Measurement ll External Horizontal Input (X-Y Operation) . . . l2 Z-Axis lnput t2 Dual-Trace WaveformObservation t2 DUAL-TRACE APPLICATIONS Introduction . . 14 F re q u e n c y D i v i d e rWa v e fo rms ... 14 Dvide-by-8CircuitWaveforms... 14 Digital Circuit Time Relationships 14 Gated Ringing Circuit 14 DelayUneTests ...16 v StereoAmplifier Servicing l6 TelevisionServicing t7 SINGLE-TRACE APPLICATIONS Introduction . . 18 TelevisionServicing 18 SignalTracing and Peak-to-Peak Voltage Readings t9 CompositeVideo WaveformAnalysis t9 Sync PulseAnalysis r9 VITS (Vertical Interval Test Signal) . . . 2l Vectorscope Operation 23 TELEVISION ALIGNMENT Introduction . . 26 Importance Sweep of Alignment 26 SweepAlignment Methods 27 Tuner Alignment 28 IF Alignment 29 ChromaAlignment... 29

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